Podcast Episode discussing Breathwork Science and lots more!

Here’s the video of the podcast I recorded with the incredible Aoife Rafter. Aoife is a Cancer Survivor who also lives with a progressive lung disease, Cystic Fibrosis. Aoife is a reflexologist and has recently become a breathwork coach after having her own profound experiences! Aoife started her podcast “We Share, We Grow” to share […]

Does an ‘intense’ Breathwork experience = Better ?

❔Do I have to have a ‘psychedelic experience’ to get the benefits of Breathwork? ❔ Sometimes when we hear others share their crazy amazing, trancendental, insightful Breathwork experience after a class, we can get experience envy or think we’re doing something wrong! This new study shows how we are still likely experiencing amazing long-term life-altering […]

Can slow breathing make us less fearful?

✨ Can slow breathing make us less fearful? ✨ But more importantly, how do you actually teach a rodent to meditate?! Well in UCLA neuroscientists lead by Prof Jack Feldman did just that – by inducing slow breathing in mice. They slowed down their respiratory response by a factor of 10 and did this for […]

VIDEO: Extended Exhales / Extended Inhales – Effects on the body

How we manipulate our breath has a direct effect on the heart, nervous system and mind. So depending on how we WANT to feel, we can use the breath to create these changes! When we exhale for longer (or just more intensely) then we inhale we are going to lower our heart rate and in […]

VIDEO: Psychology of Active Breathwork

Why do emotions arise during Breathwork? Here’s a short video explaining the psychological theory behind an Active Breathwork practice:

VIDEO: In-the-moment Real-Time Stress Relief

✨ The Physiological Sigh ✨ This time of the year we can REALLY do with a quick, go-to technique to help manage IN THE MOMENT stress and overwhelm. The Physiological Sigh takes about 20 seconds and research scientists are showing signs of being a really effective way to reduce the physical sensations of stress in […]

Irish Independent Interview with Dr. Cathy Scanlon

Breathwork – the guided manipulation of your breath – has many forms and can be used for a variety of benefits. Our reporter talks to Cathy Scanlon about how she started work in the field, and tries out some of the techniques.  It’s a Monday evening and I’m lying on a bed at my in-laws’ house, listening […]

Apprehensive about joining a Breathwork class? Read this

You might have heard or read some crazy things about Active Breathwork – which can bring up some apprehension even if we are curious about it and want to try it! It can sometimes be compared to a trippy or psychedelic experience, it can bring up emotion we’ve been holding onto for years or I […]

Yale Study shows Active Breathwork to be significantly more effective for students than Mindfulness Meditation

This is a really seminal research study that was just published in 2020 by researchers at Yale University [LINK]. I’m a big fan of mindfulness meditation and still practice it often, however there is huge amounts of research on meditation and (albeit growing) I’m so happy to see these thorough studies appearing and really legitimising […]

Reasons to try Breathwork to gain Clarity & Insights

It can be a difficult to describe an Active Breathwork session accurately. It’s definitely an “ahhh now I understand” vibe once you dip your toe!. Alas I will not give up, continuing to bring you snippets, insights and painting a picture until you are a little more intrigued (or feeling a little more comfortable) to […]

Breathwork Coaching

Expand to your full potential with the most potent meditation you have ever experienced.

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