⭐️⠀Breathwork Workshop Alert!! ⭐️⠀

I am excited to announce a one-off workshop with an amazing friend of mine who is a London based Wellness Coach. ⠀

Stacy was MY wellness coach many years ago who supported and helped me develop the confidence to create an ENTIRELY NEW LIFE! She is awesome and full of wisdom, so do sign up below if you are free on 18th August!⠀

This will be a combined coaching and breathwork breakthrough evening

⭐️ About this workshop ⭐️⠀

We are moving from a time of knowing or being able to plan a certain future point. More and more the timeline for this kind of certainty eludes us.⠀

The rising instability in our “outer world” seems to be on pace with the increasing anxiety, stress and uncertainty we are experiencing as the collective human(ity).⠀

And yet within each of us lies the resources to become resilient, present and even joyful in times of great unrest and change. To usher in fresh perspectives that bring certainty to our “inner world(s)”.⠀

Together we will “stir this emergent topic” of uncertainty to new certainty. We will engage in conscious practices, that will become tools to create a pathway to inner stabilisation, certainty and calm. Tools to up-level and prepare us to become stewards of a world where we all thrive.⠀

⭐️ Breathwork ⭐️⠀

Breathwork is an active meditation, with controlled, deep breathing, which is part catharsis, part psychedelic experience. ⠀

This meditative technique works to move stuck energy and facilitate the release of unprocessed emotions we may have been holding onto for many years, leaving us lighter and often in a state of total mind clarity.⠀

⭐️ Details ⭐️⠀

Wednesday, August 19th, 2020⠀

Virtual via Zoom⠀

7.30PM – 9.30PM

This will be a combined Coaching and Breathwork breakthrough evening

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Breathwork Coaching

Expand to your full potential with the most potent meditation you have ever experienced.

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