It can be a difficult to describe an Active Breathwork session accurately. It’s definitely an “ahhh now I understand” vibe once you dip your toe!. Alas I will not give up, continuing to bring you snippets, insights and painting a picture until you are a little more intrigued (or feeling a little more comfortable) to come and sign up for a virtual class and give it a go yourself!
I’m someone who experienced Breathwork first and then started scouring the research looking for words to explain my experience after. I was blown away! I hadn’t been lost in an experience like that possibly ever and I couldn’t believe my breath brought me there. Afterwards I felt bliss, love, absolute calm and the most razor sharp presence, awareness and immense clarity. So much of what was going on in my life became clear – like a perfect Tetris game all slotting into place… What I needed to do, what I needed to let go of, and where I just needed to just chill the F** out and stop worrying so much!
As an academic research scientist I wanted to understand the mechanism of what I had experienced and if this was “normal”! I found therapeutic reports of therapy sessions which incorporated “conscious connected Breathwork” as an additional therapy for clients experiencing anxiety and depression with really positive results. As well as reporting states of mental clarity, profound relaxation and sense of well-being after one Breathwork session, clients were reporting spontaneous cognitive and behavioural insights” throughout their session (Lalande 2012).
Breathwork research is still surprisingly in its infancy, but it is growing rapidly in recent years with the more recent popularisation by Wim Hof and James Nestor (and his book is called “Breath”). There are some more recent research studies to support that the breath regulates a part of our brain associated with attention and focus and perhaps that is a key here, but more research is really needed to understand the “WHY”. Clarity is such a commonly reported benefit of Breathwork – what could you do with some clarity on?
Classes are BACK in September! Starting off with a Sunday morning workshop specifically around Clarity & Creativity – 5th September – book in here!